(As appears in photo, from Left to Right)
Board member since 2004. Has always enjoyed the open space that Madison Meadow offers the community and that it provides a small “wildlife corridor” for animals in the neighborhood. She is the owner and teacher of Seedlings Preschool and from time to time, they frolic and play out in the meadow. They LOVE it!
Board member since 2004. Is a cartographer and has lived near Madison Meadow with his librarian wife since 1994. He fell in love with the Meadow taking his dog for quiet morning walks there.
Board member since 2004. Has lived around the block from Madison Meadow for many years. She works as an artist and has always had a keen interest in plants and animals of every kind, tame and wild.
Board member since 2004. Moved here from New York City (working at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and as a psychotherapist). The old farmhouse and orchard on 22nd Avenue has been central to her love of this area. She started the effort to save the farm when For Sale signs came down and, in dismay, she telephoned the realtor, asked for two weeks to try to gather people to buy it together, and the owner agreed. (Interesting: the owner had moved to NYC, near The Metropolitan Museum of Art! He had hoped for this to happen.)
Board member since 2004. Moved to the neighborhood in 1977. Her 2 kids grew up playing in what they called “the field” — and now her grandchildren enjoy exploring Madison Meadow.
Board member since 2009. Is interested in local history, tree management and removing invasive plants. He promoted the meadow as a neighborhood park in 1975 while a FAN director, and in 1984, he led the opposition to Madison Square, a planned development of 22 homes on our 2 acres.