Master Plan
To keep and maintain Madison Meadow as a natural open space for the benefit of plants, wildlife and people.
Madison Meadow reflects its varied history as native grassland, pasture and orchard. It is a natural, open space providing a nurturing habitat for wildlife, from bees and butterflies to birds, bats and deer. This habitat will be enhanced through basic maintenance and small-scale restoration of native and historic trees and plants. Madison Meadow is an undeveloped haven in the heart of our urban neighborhood. It welcomes visitors young and old to experience a closer connection to nature. It is a place for exploration and discovery, for learning and teaching, and for strengthening a sense of environmental stewardship. Madison Meadow will be protected for future generations.
For decades, the two acre meadow bordered by 22nd Avenue at Madison Street has been shared by all of the life it supports. Generations of neighborhood children have played among the grasses and wildflowers, madrone, filbert, apple, pear and cherry trees. In 2003 the community formed a non-profit corporation to preserve and maintain Madison Meadow as an open space and successfully raised the money to purchase the meadow. It is the Board of directors’ responsibility to ensure its viability into the future.
Madison Meadow is located in Eugene, Oregon on two acres of Willamette Valley wetland prairie with native and orchard trees scattered throughout. Human activities have significantly changed the meadow ecology. The open area of the meadow is predominately orchard grass with a mixture of native and other grasses and forbs. The northern border is fronted by 22nd Avenue. Alleys border the east and west. There is a private property in the northeast corner and additional residential properties along the southern border.
Paths — The paths were previously determined from established “desire lines.” Four entry pathways include the main entrance from 22nd near the intersection of Madison Street, one from the alley which lies to the east of the meadow property, one from the northwest corner, and one from the southwest corner. The paths may be mowed when necessary with the width of the mowing swath being no wider than 6 feet. Forest by-products may be used on the paths for mud control.
No permanent fences or buildings will be constructed in the meadow.
Kiosk - There will be a small kiosk installed at the 22nd Avenue main entrance to be used by the board of directors to post meadow information and community announcements.
Signs - The kiosk will function as the main sign area. There may be two additional small signs at the east and west entrances used to display meadow rules or protocol.
A dispenser box will hold bags used to clean up dog waste.
The Meadow is mowed in the Spring and Fall. By the City of Eugene rules, a perimeter mowing of 10 feet should be completed by June 15th. The City requires a 50-foot perimeter, but they have approved this plan in the past. The most recent communication was that they were fine with just seeing that the property is being taken care of. The Fall mowing is a complete mowing.
Additions — Modest additions of native plants are subject to approval by the board of directors.
Removals — Invasive species and noxious weeds will be removed as determined by the board of directors.
Snags — Some snags may be kept in place if they provide habitat and do not pose a hazard to visitors. They will be monitored for stability.
Plant List
Butterfly Garden — Created in cooperation with the North American Butterfly Association, the Butterfly Garden began as a milkweed planting specifically to enhance the Monarch migration corridor. It has since become a diverse native flower garden- fenced, watered and weeded so visitors can see all the nectar plants that can provide a food source for butterflies, bees and other pollinators. Unlike most of the added native plantings it requires ongoing maintenance.
Native grass patch — The native grass patch was our first native plant enhancement in the Meadow. The grasses were germinated and planted by students from Seedlings Preschool, the Waldorf School, Chavez Elementary and Addams Elementary School. The patch did not fill in well but we hope that some of these grasses found their way around to various parts of the Meadow!
Snowberries were planted near the southwest corner of the meadow by the Network Charter School, with advice from Camas Education Network. Since then many other native shrubs have been added with suggestions (and delivery!) from Doak Creek Nursery and the help of our volunteers.
Over a hundred Camas plants were raised or purchased by board members and planted by the Network Charter School, in the low ground in the northwest quadrant of the meadow. The Camas is thriving and increases every year.
Enhance the native plant diversity and population.
Increase habitat for native pollinators.
Maintain the tree canopy as we lose trees.
Create natural visual buffers/screens to soften the views of neighborhood development.
The Meadow Board encourages and facilitates the respectful use of the Meadow by classes from preschools through the university level.
The Meadow is available for small scale, board sanctioned events. A donation may be requested.
No Camping — Camping is not allowed in the meadow, as per city ordinance. Campers will be asked to leave. If they do not comply, the Eugene Police Department will be called. This policy applies to vehicle camping, adjacent to meadow property, as well.
No Motorized Vehicles - Motorized vehicles are not permitted in the meadow. Natural barriers may be placed to block vehicular access.
Madison Meadow is maintained as a day-use facility, but walkers are always welcome to come in and watch for stars and bats. Please be respectful, quiet, and courteous to nearby neighbors.
Dog waste — Bags are provided and dog owners are expected to clean up after their pets and carry out the waste.
City leash laws apply.
Litter — Board and or community members scout the property and pick up litter as necessary. No waste receptacle will be provided at the meadow.
No smoking- for health and safety of wildlife and visitors
Madison Meadow is “private land held for the public benefit”. It is not a city park- taxes don’t maintain it. All funding comes from donations, contributions, and community efforts. Please think of all the others who come to enjoy this green treasure. Tread lightly, leave no trace, cherish the land and the creatures that live there.
A website will be maintained for Madison Meadow general information: www.madisonmeadow.org
We will endeavor to connect with the community.
We will maintain good relations and communications with adjacent neighbors by keeping them apprised and involved in meadow issues.
It is important to maintain funds necessary for Meadow projects, maintenance and fixed Meadow expenses.